Everyone belongs

Migrant Resource Centre Tasmania engaged Gloo to undergo brand strategy and development. With multiple sub-brands, domains and social media accounts, along with some marketplace confusion with a northern competitor, the brand strategy and architecture were complex.

Our strategy was to establish Migrant Resource Centre Tasmania as the strong parent brand, and to create a logo and visual identity system that was cohesive and connected across the sub brands. The final iteration was enthusiastically received by staff and the board, and has injected new life and cohesion into the organisation.

‘Our organisation has a complex range of sub-brands, each with their own distinct ‘look’. As a result there was brand confusion and our brand didn’t reflect the work we do, the way we work, or the people we work with. Gloo Advertising went to great effort to listen to our needs. They made sure they understood our organisation, our problem, and what we wanted to achieve. Their team came up with an incredibly clever, coordinated set of branding solutions, which truly reflect the way we work, our purpose and values. Our new, vibrant, distinctive branding is injecting new life into the organisation, ensures our sub-brands work well together and link to the overarching organisation, and set us apart from others in the sector. We’re looking forward to continuing to work with Gloo Advertising to complete the rollout of our new look.’

Gillian Long
Chief Executive Officer
Migrant Research Centre Tasmania

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